About me

"Bienvenue" on my personal academic page!

ducelfanny@gmail.com fanny.ducel@lisn.upsaclay.fr

PhD Student at LISN, Université Paris-Saclay and LORIA (France)

I started my first year of PhD in October 2023. I’m working on the evaluation of stereotypical biases in autoregressive language models.

I have a master’s degree in Linguistics and Computer Science and a bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and NLP, both from Sorbonne-Université.


I’m especially interested in ethics, NLP4NLP, linguistic diversity, and sociolinguistics.

I’m a member of the editorial board of the “Éthique et TAL” (Ethics and NLP) blog, feel free to check it out! I co-authored some articles, and we accept submissions from anyone, in French or English :).